steute Controltec


steute is recognised worldwide as a specialist for the development and production of switches and sensors which work safely and reliably in complex and hazardous application fields.

Our product groups

The premium switches and sensors from steute are developed to the highest quality and safety standards and are particularly well suited to use in complex application fields. Our products can be used flexibly in many different branches of industry. Find the right product for your application and discover our switches and sensors for yourself:

steute: a brief profile

steute is an international technology company which has its headquarters in Löhne, North Rhine-Westphalia. With approx. 450 employees, we develop and manufacture reliable switches and sensors according to the highest quality standards. We are close to our customers all over the world, with numerous subsidiaries and sales partners in more than 40 countries.

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Individual solutions for different branches of industry

Conveyor technology
Bulk goods industry
Factory automation
Special-purpose machinery
Food industry
Shipbuilding and port technology
Building automation

Conveyor technology

In addition to general safety technology, we develop and produce switches and sensors, as well as other products and solutions, especially for the safeguarding of conveyor systems.

Bulk goods industry

As a specialist for explosion-proof safety switches and sensors, steute ensures the reliable safeguarding of machines and plants in the bulk goods industry.

Factory automation

With steute as your contact partner, you will be able to automate production and manufacturing processes, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Special-purpose machinery

The high-quality switches and sensors from steute are key elements for the safeguarding, control and automation of machines and plants.

Food industry

High or subzero temperatures, damp, dust, risk of explosion: our switches and sensors are predestined for the complex challenges of the food industry.

Shipbuilding and port technology

The innovative switches and sensors from steute are ideally suited to extreme applications in the maritime field. Their reliability is proven in field tests, some of which are extraordinary.

Building automation

Building automation requires the highest degree of technical flexibility and absolute reliability from the switches and sensors used.

Current events

Together with our subsidiaries and sales partners, we attend the most important fairs and congresses worldwide. Upcoming events at a glance:

Forum Explosionsschutz für Hersteller 2025
Munich, Germany

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Expomaritt Exposhipping Istanbul 2025
Istanbul, Turkey
- booth 5E52

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all about automation 2025
Friedrichshafen, Germany
- booth F-605

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"Flexibility, innovation and customer orientation: Special challenges demand individual solutions. And that is precisely where our strength lies!"

Thomas Kutschan
Division Manager Controltec

News & press releases

Switchgear for special requirements: heavy duty, wireless, safety and cabled

The steute business division Controltec will be kicking off its new fair year in February, exhibiting for the first time at the aaa – all about automation in Friedrichshafen. The company will be…

steute Controltec at the SPS 2024 / Ex protection, wireless and safety: switchgear for special applications

The steute business division Controltec is taking the opportunity of the SPS 2024 to present some new products in its industrial switchgear range. These new switching devices may differ considerably,…

Complete series for Ex and Extreme applications / Solenoid interlock for extreme environmental conditions

With the Ex STM 515 series, the steute business division Controltec recently introduced compact and robust solenoid interlocks for explosive zones to its range of safety switchgear. This series is now…