Teknik makaleler

Select the right valve position monitoring system - Switches and sensors for complex applications
Valve manufacturers have a wide choice when searching for suitable switching equipment to monitor valve positions. Different types of electromechanical switches and non-contact sensors are available, with series suited to explosive zones, corrosive environments and subzero applications. In many cases it can be beneficial to opt for wireless switches, including in Ex zones.
Source: CITplus (7-8/2024)

"Wireless Ex" sensors for valve position monitoring
Wireless has benefits – also and especially for valve position monitoring within the hydrogen infrastructure. Valve manufacturers have access to electromechanical position switches and non-contact sensors in Ex variants with industry-compatible point-to-point wireless communication.
Source: H2 compact (01/2024)

Explosion protection meets machine safety - Safety switchgear for special requirements
Safety switching devices used in Ex zones have to meet two different sets of complex requirements: explosion protection and machine safety. Designers also have to choose between different types of construction and different active principles. This is true for both heavy-duty applications and machines used for the processing and packaging of e.g. (dust-)explosive foodstuffs.
Source: CITplus (03/2024)

Machine safety and Ex protection
Machines which are constructed for mechanical process engineering applications in explosive zones have to meet not one, but two demanding sets of rules and standards. They are – for good reason – subject to both machine safety requirements and explosion protection requirements. At the Powtech, steute will be showing switching devices for this special combination of demands – and presenting a new product.
Source: Technische Sicherheit 13 (07-08/2023)

Digitalisation of safety technologies
As digitalisation progresses, cybersecurity is a major topic of discussion, and rightly so. Safety technologies have also moved on considerably in the course of this development. Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Lumme, Product Manager Extreme at steute Technologies, explains the changes in an interview with Andreas Mühlbauer.
Source: INDUSTRIAL Production (10/2022)

Emergency pull-wire switch passes test in gravel plant
At a gravel plant in Vennebeck, gravel freshly extracted from the River Weser has to travel a considerable distance on conveyor belts from the floating-grab excavator to the processing and grading machinery. The responsible persons at the gravel plant are currently testing a new series of emergency pull-wire switches.
Source: GESTEINS Perspektiven (6/2022)

Explosion protection and plant safety: a two-fold challenge. Machine safety in special environments
Machine safety in explosive zones: switchgear required for this field must comply with two complex sets of regulations. Although this is a "niche within a niche", different options are still available when selecting safety switches and sensors. This is true for heavy-duty applications, but also for machines performing duties such as processing or packaging dust-explosive foodstuffs.
Source: Technische Sicherheit 12 (2022) Nr. 07-08

Spark-free wireless transmission - Switchgear for the oil & gas industry
Wireless switching devices are not yet widespread within the oil & gas industry. And yet wireless technology offers this sector some particular advantages – provided that explosion protection is guaranteed.
Source: Chemie Technik (04/2022)

More flexibility for bending processes
Optimising the combination of machine, automation and wireless technology means more flexibility for bending processes.
Source: BLECH (05/2021)

Wireless Ex switchgear: technology & application examples
Switches and sensors - free of cables in Ex zones: When Ex switches and sensors require no electrical cables and can transmit their signals beyond the Ex zone, then depending on the application in question the advantages can be considerable. More and more users are now opting for this technology – including and especially in sensitive application fields.
Source: Technische Sicherheit 11 (03-04/2021)

Under Pressure - Hanover Fair Digital Edition 2021
Adverse ambient conditions must be taken into account during the development of switching devices for extreme applications, and must also be tested as first prototypes are produced.
Source: Verfahrenstechnik (04/2021)

Safe loading of explosive gases - "Extreme" position switches in action
Emco Wheaton loading systems are used all around the world for the handling of large quantities of petrol, natural gas, liquid gas, chemicals, etc. The company, which is based in Kirchhain near Marburg, monitors the positions of its loading arms using Ex position switches which are reliable in the long term, even in subzero temperatures.
Source: Technische Logistik (07-08/2020)